Welcome to Oxfam's Water, Sanitation and Hygiene resource website, containing all our guidance, technical briefs, videos and templates on a range of WASH subjects.
Some of our most popular topics include solar powered water supply, hygiene kits, community engagement, safe programming, innovation, the community perception tracker, bulk water treatment, tiger worm toilets, Sani Tweaks, handwashing promotion, and IEC materials.
Latest Updates
March 2023
New WASH strategy released for 2023-25
January 2023
New Cholera Response Toolkit
November 2022
New Faecal Sludge Management Report from Bangladesh
New lamella clarifier innovation report
October 2022
New Sani-Tweaks research: Different responses: same old shit
New Chlorination guidance
New Environmental checklist
March 2022
A new topic: Market Based Programming
February 2022
New videos about solar panel selection and security, and a variety of other resources added from the Solar Hub.
January 2022
Our water distribution network advice has been significantly revised and expanded.
November 2021
Some of our most popular pages are now available in French 🇫🇷.
Subscribe to our YouTube Channel.
More research added about the CPT.
October 2021
As the WASH Innovation Fund reopens for applications, new information has been added about existing innovation projects.
The latest findings on the 2021 Emergency WASH Gap Analysis are now available.
We have written a new excreta disposal in emergencies manual.
August 2021
We've written a new technical brief about pre-paid commmunal water dispensers (Water ATMs) and updated the techical brief about handwashing stations.
June 2021
The presentation of the community perception tracker to the EEHF is now online.
January 2021
Totally revised bulk water treatment guidelines.
A new topic and technical brief: desalination.
Sani Tweaks has a new video and is now available in Bengali.
Latest from our YouTube Channel
Our YouTube Channel features content from the supply centre, webinars, and animated videos on a variety of topics. Give us a like and subscribe!
Sani Tweaks
Research shows that many emergency latrines are not used by the people they are intended for.
Sani Tweaks is about simple changes that can fix this: consulting users, modifying latrines, and providing sanitation as a service, not a one-off installation.

Handwashing Stand
After years of development, the Oxfam Supply Centre and WASH teams are pleased to unveil a new piece of kit to overcome many of the problems seen with existing handwashing solutions.
Solar Pumping
Solar power is the preferred choice and the first option that all Oxfam projects should consider for off grid pumping.
Through the Global Solar and Water Initiative we have produced lots of useful resources, including the recent ‘Solar Pumping Water Supply’ book.

Community Perception Tracker
The CPT is an approach that uses a mobile tool to
enable staff to capture, analyse and understand the
perceptions of communities during disease outbreaks.
Oxfam's Miniumum Requirements for WASH Programmes is our essential guide for WASH staff and partners. It describes the processes and standards that Oxfam WASH programmes should follow if they are to be carried out effectively, consistently and in a way which treats affected communities with respect.
All WASH staff members are expected to understand and follow these Minimum Requirements.
Our Strategy
Oxfam's Humanitarian WASH strategy has a vision that Women, men and children affected by disaster and conflict will have access to appropriate and quality WASH services that enable them to mitigate public health risks in a dignified way. Vulnerable and disadvantaged groups will be actively engaged, influencing Oxfam’s response either directly or with partners to meet their specific WASH needs and giving affected populations a greater voice in how the response is designed and delivered.
Water Treatment, Supply & Distribution
Access to water is one of Oxfam's typical responses in emergencies, and this website has many resources about this.
These include our water treatment manual, water distribution network design advice, technical briefs about household water treatment, water trucking and more.
Supply Centre
All humanitarian agencies can access Oxfam's equipment from the Oxfam Supply Centre. The website includes all specifications and instruction manuals for our kit.