Sani Tweaks
Best Practices in Sanitation
Recent research from humanitarian responses shows that on average 40% of women are not using the latrines provided.
Watch this short film to find out more:
The main reasons stated for not wanting to use the latrines are:
If latrines aren’t used, money, time and resources are wasted and we are failing in our responsibility to the communities we work with.
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Different Responses – Same Old Shit A review of how humanitarian agencies implement emergency sanitation in 11 different humanitarian responses:
The Full Guide
Use The Sani Tweaks Checklist
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The checklist is also available in word format and you are encouraged to adapt it in accordance with your needs. It can be freely changed in any way, including the addition of new logos, colours, or wording.
Ask Andy
The original research which led to Sani Tweaks was "Shining a Light: How lighting in or around sanitation facilities affects the risk of gender-based violence in camps". There is also a blog post outlining the key findings: "We must do more to make emergency sanitation safer".